Ajax Wiki Search: So. Much. Awesome.

OMG why didn’t I find this sooner? It’s a Wiki search site in Ajax that uses Google’s API. The search results are displayed column style on the left hand side of the page. The site is self explanatory, so I’ll let the screen grabs do all the talking. Click the thumbnail on the left to see bigger image. Below is a screen grab of an actual search result.

It’s so much easier and simpler to navigate than just WIKIing. Btw, latter is not an actual word, but if Googling is a verb, WIKIing should be, too. And I know “WIKI” shouldn’t be in CAPS but it’s MY blog and I can acronym however I want to, thank you very much! ;)

Anyway, bookmark it. STAT! http://chir.ag/wiki/

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