MySpace on Facebook: Building Community

The MySpace Facebook fan page just keeps on growing!

Owning the page has been a treat, since the MySpace brand automatically gives me access to thousands of eyes. This page has been pertinent to understanding the MySpace audience. I still cannot believe I have the privilege to delve right into the core of the community — even if it is off platform. Actually, the fan page is still small (for a brand the scope of MySpace) so it has been easier to interact with the members.

When I started curating the page, it was not pretty. Users would post rude things unprovoked, spam the wall, comments and the Discussion threads. Slowly but surely, we are turning into a community where power users are being identified, comments are turning into conversations, personal attacks are rarer occurrences and community members take it upon themselves to ensure the conversation stays respectful. It is now a semi-community; a safe place where our users — customers — can come to hang out. Though I am not going to lie. These two and half months have been a daily uphill battle since users who visit the fan page still do not understand how to conduct themselves. It is also fascinating to see the reactions of people who are caught off guard when they realize someone from MySpace is actually present, listening, when they post rude or disrespectful comments.

That said, for all persons representing their brands online, it is important to remember: access to hundreds of thousands, does not equate to an insta-community.

So how am I building community?

When I took over the page, I double — perhaps tripled — the content posted and with every post, keep in mind the Internet is a medium to engage and socialize as I: 1. join and moderate the conversation 2. post engaging content and 3. set guidelines.

1. Joining the conversation: moderating
A key factor in building community is to actually, well, partake in conversation. The key here, is not be afraid. There is a person sitting behind the computer engaging with your content. So long as you keep that in mind, interaction is pretty simple: talk to anyone and everyone as you would like to be treated. Do not respond to every single comment but watch the direction of the conversation. If someone is unnecessarily rude, warn them and let them know: Hey, I’m listening. That catches users off guard and the conversation goes back to being civil. Regulars, are now used to moderation. If a person continues to insult or personally attack you, your brand or other members of the community: Do not be afraid to ban. It’s for the greater good of the community. I also do not delete comments unless absolutely necessary. I’ve found the community members watch what other users post on the wall and comments — even posts from a few days back. A couple of examples (warning, foul language):

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MySpace on Facebook: The Beginning of Something Wonderful

As excited I was to learn the MySpace Facebook fan page was going to be handed to me, I was a little scared. Terrified, even, and I am not going to lie: there are still days when I share content on that page and prepare myself for the worst. Even on Facebook, MySpace is home to the 13-17 and 18-24 demographic and when I think back to those years I too, was probably a jerk for no reason 98% of the time.

However, I am pleasantly surprised.

Some stats and observations from Facebook’s fan page:

On growth:

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MySpace is My New Space and My Big Move to LaLa-Land!

A lot of people have been asking if I moved to L.A., and I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure. Since last year, I have been contracting with MySpace and only told a few close friends. However, as more people are starting to find out I thought it was time I finally talked (or blogged) about my move and what not.

Are you cringing right now? It’s ok if you are, I completely understand. Heck, almost everyone I told’s first reactions was this hilarious face — like they guzzled a jar of pickle juice type sour face — immediately proceeded with a WHY?!? People have also told me the same bajillion reasons why I am out of my mind to want to work there, followed with the prying: “What’s going on? Are you guys tanking?” etc., etc., so when I say it’s ok, I understand, I do.

However, I am proud and honored to be a part of this phenomenal team and MySpace is far from dead. It’s funny how one of the first things out of people’s mouths are: “MySpace isn’t going to beat Facebook.” and that’s completely ok too, since MySpace isn’t trying to be “a Facebook.” Yes, we are both social platforms but what we leave out of the equation is the most important piece: target audience.

An excerpt from a “MySpace isn’t dead.” piece:

If you check the most recent comscore, MySpace has grown 2 months in a row, and is back up to 120MM users worldwide. That may not sound huge compared with Facebook’s 350MM, but it is still 2X twitter’s audience, and blows almost any other site out of the water. We in Silicon Valley tend to think that when something is not hockey-sticking anymore than it is dead. That is not true. If MySpace lost 1MM users a month it would take 10 years to disappear. That still gives them some time to figure out what to do. (read the rest here.

MySpace still owns the 0-17 and 18-24 age groups. We tend to forget — especially, since we are no longer in those age groups. ;)

I believe in MySpace for many reasons and thrilled to be a part of this organization. The team — my co-workers and bosses — rock my socks off, you have no idea of the collective brain power and charisma (pertinent to leadership roles) this group has. The camaraderie and creative energy is something I definitely want to be a part of. I wish I can introduce you guys to everyone, for they are an exceptional bunch. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work with and learn from these individuals, respectively.

There are still many many reasons, product related reasons — most I cannot talk about — all I will say is stay tuned. ;)

So to all of you asking me about my So Cal Foursquare check-ins or L.A. Yelp reviews: Yes, I moved to L.A. for this once in a lifetime opportunity. :) If you are ever in the area (or even live down here) you are more than welcome to stop by. We’ll go have tater tots from @grlldcheesetruk, they come once a week!

ps: there is more after the jump, but it is all personal (sappy) stuff, fyi. Continue reading